
Identity : the website is operated by MLG Solutions, a public limited company under French law with share capital of €500 whose registered office is situated at 4 34 Avenue Aristide Briand 93160 Noisy le Grand, France, listed in the Bobigny Trades and Companies Register (RCS) under number RCS 921 656 567.

Webmaster: Mari-Liis Garcia
Director of publication : Riina Kaiv
SIRET: 92165656700010

General Information:

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Client Relations Department can be reached via the contact form or by telephone on +33 (0) 7 50 32 23 83 from Monday to Friday between 9 a.m. and 12 noon and 2 p.m and 5 p.m.

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The website is hosted by the company OÜ :

OÜ with share capital of €2 556

Registration number : 11279488

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Personal Data

Pursuant to the French Data Protection Law of 6 January 1978 and the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation of 25 May 2018, MLG solutions undertakes to abide by a policy of personal data protection.

For further information on the obligations to which we are subject and the rights to which you are entitled, we would ask you to consult our page: Confidentiality Policy


MLG Solutions reserves the right to correct and amend text content without notice at any time.

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It is recalled that, under all circumstances, the fact of fraudulently accessing or remaining in a computer system, of hindering or damaging the working of a computer system or of fraudulently modifying the data contained therein is liable to criminal prosecution.

MLG Solutions undertakes not to put online any content or information that infringes the law.


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